Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Introduction - What is Networks ?

What is Network ?

A collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another allowing for data to be shared and used.

A great example of a network is the Internet, connecting millions of people all over the world together.

Above is an example image of popular social networking site Facebook, where we are connected through a network.

Today, every stuffs are connected within a network. We can take example of online shopping, banking, online reservation and all. We do online reservation, internet banking, this means we are connected with something i.e. network.

             Online Reservation


     Internet Banking

                     Online Shopping 

Thus, in IT terms, a group of interconnected (via cable and/or wireless) computers and peripherals that is capable of sharing software and hardware resources between many users is said to be as Networks.


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